Sunday, May 9, 2010

Random Thoughts

-When I am walking home from school with left overs in my purse and pass a tall skinny model I want to offer her food.
-I love to walk past the fresh flower markets. Note to Taber...When you get into town I will gladly accept some of these fresh flowers from you:)
-Only in a New York City Gym would I witness a man practicing his tap dance routine between sets of push-ups.
-When I make the train just before the doors are about to close I feel like I have conquered the world.
-I wonder why individuals feel the need to listen to their IPOD music so loud on the subway that I can hear it...from the next train over.
-There should be a regulation on how much cologne one is allowed to put on before entering a crowded subway train.
-New Yorkers are fantastic at multitasking. I have seen a man sleeping as he was walking to work, a woman reading the newspaper as she was grocery shopping, and a man walking his dog while text messaging and eating a bagel.
-When I walk across the street on a "No Walking" sign I am convinced that Taxi drivers speed up to try and hit me.
-I will take the route with the most sunshine. Even if it takes me longer to get to my destination.
-I have yet to decide if some train rides are bumpier because the train is older, the conductor is asleep, the conductor is drunk, or the conductor is bitter and wants all the passengers to spill their coffee, the conductor wants us to start the day off with motion sickness from trying to read the newspaper while being whipped around.
- According to the newspaper the train conductors have been asked to limit their commentary.
-The other day in class the Chef asked us what drives us. I said "success" and she said "Wow, you aren't holding anything back". It turns out she thought I said "sex"!I made sure to clarify.

And finally. The longer I am here the more I fall in love with this city. Sometimes when I drift off to sleep I think about Taber and I (and Aussie and Payton of course) spending an afternoon in the park across from our Greenwich Village apartment. After the park we would wonder to Magnolia Bakery and pick up some cupcakes to have for dessert after going to Blue Hill (farm to table restaurant) for dinner. The only way to make this dream a reality is to have several million dollars in the bank account. I have to go buy a lottery ticket now...


  1. Bailey was wondering why Aussie and Payton fit in to your New York dream and he doesn't?! He would also like to place an order for a cupcake and he will buy a lottery ticket to increase your chances of winning :)

  2. Of course Baily fits into my dream. While Taber, Payton, Aussie, and I are enjoying a cupcake in the park Baily is off barking at a squirrel. You and the rest of the family also fit into my day dream.
