Saturday, March 27, 2010

A New Roommate

I have a new roommate and I am NOT happy about it. A little mouse has decided he wants to bunk with me. I know mice are common when living in a city/old building, but I am still not ok with it. The amount of fear a 1 inch fur ball makes me feel is astonishing (and pathetic). I have seen the little guy twice and both times have screamed bloody murder. Last night he challenged me to a starring contest. He sat in the middle of the hall starring at me while I stood on my bed with a large bath towel (Taber told me to throw a towel over him). Fear inhibited me from releasing the towel and the little guy got away. The mouse may have escaped trapping last night, but he will not be my roommate much longer. I bought a trap and peanut butter today. Hopefully when he comes out tonight he will bite the bait. For all of you animal lovers... I tried to get rid of him the natural way. I put peppermint oil all over the apartment (they don't like it), but it only kept him away for a week. I would love to be brave enough to either live with him or capture/release him, but I am not. If there was not risk of disease or him breeding I would not mind AS much. Another message to all the animals least I bought him organic peanut butter.

1 comment:

  1. Ewwww! We had one of those roommates and I could hear him in the pantry and see all that he would chew through. Seriously nasty! I had a stare off with him one late night. He won. I tried a trap and it didn't work. We used some poison tray thing and he ate it and died behind the Christmas tree. I think he had been dead for a while cause it smelled lovely whe we took it down and discovered him ;) good luck!
